Social Media Marketing: Do’s And Don’ts

Social Media Marketing has become an essential aspect of the modern-day marketing mix. It has become one of the most effective ways of reaching and engaging with your target audience, building brand awareness, and driving traffic to your website. However, as with any marketing strategy, some do’s and don’ts must be considered to ensure success. In this blog, we will see the key do’s and don’ts of social media marketing.

# Do’s:- 

1. Develop A Social Media Strategy

Before you start any Social Media Marketing campaign, developing a well-defined social media strategy is crucial. This involves identifying your target audience, setting measurable objectives, and deciding on the social media channels you will use. Your social media strategy should also include the following:

  • The type of content you will post.
  • The frequency of your posts.
  • The tools you will use to monitor your social media campaigns.

2. Create Engaging Content

Social media users always seek informative, entertaining, and valuable content. Therefore, you should create engaging content that resonates with your target audience. You can achieve this using images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia formats. You should also ensure that your content is relevant to your target audience, aligns with your brand’s tone of voice, and encourages social sharing.

3. Optimize Your Profiles

Your social media profiles are your first impression of your target audience. Therefore, you should optimize your profiles to ensure they are visually appealing and accurately represent your brand. You should use high-quality images and ensure that your profiles are complete with all relevant information. Using keywords in your profile descriptions to improve your visibility in search results would be best.

4. Engage With Your Audience

Social media is all about engagement. Therefore, engaging with your audience is essential to build relationships and to increase brand loyalty. You can promptly respond to comments and messages, ask for feedback, and run social media contests and giveaways. Engaging with your audience can create a community around your brand and increase your reach.

5. Monitor Your Metrics

To measure the efficiency of your social media campaigns, you need to monitor your metrics regularly. This includes tracking your follower growth, engagement, click-through rates and other relevant metrics. By monitoring your metrics, you can identify what works and what doesn’t and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.

# Don’ts:-

1. Don’t Buy Followers Or Engagement

Buying followers or engagement may make increasing your social media presence easy, but more viable long-term strategies exist. These fake followers or engagement will not engage with your content or purchase your products/services. Furthermore, buying followers or engagement violates the terms of service of social media platforms and can result in your account being suspended.

2. Don’t Ignore Negative Feedback

Negative feedback lets you improve your products/services and show your customers that you care. Therefore, it’s essential to respond to negative feedback promptly and professionally. You should acknowledge the customer’s concerns and offer a solution to resolve the issue. Addressing negative feedback can improve your brand reputation and increase customer loyalty.

3. Don’t Post Irrelevant Content

Posting irrelevant content can confuse your audience and dilute your brand message. Therefore, ensuring that all your social media content is relevant to your brand and target audience is essential. You should avoid posting content unrelated to your brand or not aligning with your brand’s values.

4. Don’t Post Too Frequently

Posting too frequently can overwhelm your audience, resulting in them unfollowing your account. Therefore, finding a balance between posting regularly and too often is essential. You should also ensure that the content you post is of high quality and adds value to your audience.

5. Don’t Ignore Social Media Trends

Social media is constantly evolving, and new trends emerge regularly. It’s essential to stay up-to-date with social media trends and incorporate them into your social media strategy where appropriate. Ignoring social media trends can make your brand appear outdated and out of touch with your audience.

6. Don’t Use Irrelevant Hashtags

Hashtags are essential to social media marketing, as they help increase your content’s visibility and reach. However, using irrelevant hashtags can result in your content being seen by the wrong audience or appearing spammy. Therefore, using relevant hashtags that align with your brand and the content you’re posting is essential.

7. Don’t Forget To Proofread

Your social media content represents your brand, and spelling or grammatical errors can reflect poorly on your brand. Therefore, it’s essential to proofread all your social media content before posting it. You should also ensure that your content is formatted correctly and efficiently read.


Social media marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes reach and engage with their target audience. By following the dos and don’ts of social media marketing, brands can develop a solid social media presence that builds brand awareness, drives traffic to their website, and increases customer loyalty. At Digi Edu Learning, we understand the importance of social media marketing and help businesses develop a social media strategy that aligns with their marketing objectives. With our expertise, businesses can create engaging content, optimize their profiles, engage with their audience, and monitor their metrics to achieve success in social media marketing. Contact Digi Edu Learning today to learn more about our social media marketing services.

Written By
Sahil Goyal

Sahil Goyal is a Digital Marketer, Trainer, Public Speaker, Growth hacker, and Consultant. I have experience in building and implementing strategies focused on Performance Marketing, User acquisition & retention, Budget planning & execution, App store optimization, and Media buying largely for small to medium-sized businesses. I have previously worked in well-known B2B and B2C startups.