How AI Can Help Take Your Content Marketing Strategy To The Next Level?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a buzzword that has been around for a while, but it’s only recently that it’s started to take off in the marketing space. AI can help content marketers with personalization, targeting, and more! Here are some ways that you can start using artificial intelligence in your content marketing strategy today:

#1 AI Can Help Content Marketers With Personalization

Personalization is important for content marketing. AI can help you personalize your content by understanding your audience better, creating more personalized content, and targeting the right people with the right message at the right time.

AI understands that not everyone who visits a website or reads an article will be interested in all of the things written on it, so it uses machine learning to learn what type of person you are and then adapts accordingly. For example: if someone visits an article about a specific topic (say “How To Be A Successful Blogger”), their preferences might indicate that they’re interested in reading about blogging tips; but if another visitor comes along who doesn’t seem like they would be interested in those kinds of articles at all — perhaps because they’re already well-acquainted with similar topics on other sites or blogs — then this person’s profile may suggest something else entirely (such as maybe finding out how to start a blog).

#2 AI Can Help Personalize Email Content For Subscribers

  1. AI can help you personalize email content for subscribers.
  2. AI can help you personalize email content for subscribers based on their interests, location, and other demographics.
  3. AI can help you personalize email content for subscribers based on their interests, location and other demographics. For example, if a subscriber is interested in sports, AI can recommend sports-related articles that might interest them. If someone is traveling to Japan, they could be offered travel tips or the best places to visit while they’re there.

#3 AI Can Help With Personalization On Social Media

The tech you use to personalize your content marketing is AI. If you’re not familiar with the term, it stands for artificial intelligence and refers to programs that use machine learning to process information in an unsupervised way.

AI will help improve how you target specific words or phrases in your content pieces. For example, if you want someone who likes dogs but hasn’t yet purchased from your business website because they haven’t found out about it yet (or maybe even never will), then using AI could help find those people based on their interests and create unique messages tailored just for them—messages like “Didn’t know there were any places nearby that sell delicious dog treats?” or “How about coming over for dinner tonight? I’ll cook up some hot dogs.”

1. AI Can Help To Target Individual Words In A Piece Of Content.
2. AI can help you target individual words in a piece of content.
3. AI can help you target individual phrases in a piece of content.
4. AI can help you target individual sentences in a piece of content.
5. AI can even work with paragraphs to determine which ones are most effective at driving traffic and sales!

The possibilities are endless, and the more you experiment with AI, the better it will get at helping you succeed in your business.

#4 AI Can Help With Prediction And Forecasting

AI can help with prediction and forecasting. This is an area that many people are still skeptical about, but it’s a large one for content marketers to consider. The power of AI has been seen in its ability to predict what customers might be interested in, which is why we have so many online shopping sites that offer up “what’s trending” or “what’s hot.”

AI can also help you predict what content will be successful at driving traffic back to your website or blog, which means you don’t need as much guesswork involved when creating it. In fact, companies like HubSpot use artificial intelligence algorithms that analyze millions of pieces of data each day—including things like keywords used on social media platforms—to determine which posts will perform well across various social networks such as Facebook and Twitter (and even Google+).

1. AI Can Help Make Data-Based Decisions.
2. AI can help with data analysis.
3. AI can help with data visualization.
4. AI can help with data storage, retention, and security.
5. AI can also play a role in governance—a process that ensures the integrity of your content marketing strategy by ensuring compliance with industry standards and best practices as well as ensuring employee training, engagement, and feedback loops are maintained within your organization.

#5 AI Can Keep Track Of Changes Throughout The Buyer’s Journey

AI can also help you track changes throughout the buyer’s journey. For example, if you have a blog post about how to use an app that lets you order takeout food from your smartphone and then show up at home with a bag full of pizza, are people still downloading the app? Are they using it enough to make any money? If so, what kind of content would be helpful for them based on their current situation (are they new to using this type of service)?

AI can also keep track of how long it takes for buyers to convert. This is especially important when you’re running promotions or having contests where users have the incentive to complete certain tasks/competitions within your website or app—and if those tasks aren’t completed in time for someone else’s deadline (like winning a prize), then no one wins anything!

#6 AI Can Help With Audience Identification

AI can help you with audience identification. It’s a big part of your content marketing strategy, but it’s also one that tends to be overlooked by most marketers.

In fact, some researchers estimate that up to 80% of digital content is unread or ignored by consumers because they don’t find it useful or engaging enough—and this could have a huge impact on your bottom line if you’re not making sure that your audience has access to everything they need at every stage in their journey with you (or even if they do).

AI-powered tools like Get List will help you identify which audiences are most likely interested in what kind of content and how best suited each group might be for specific types of offers; these insights will help guide future decisions about which types of messages should appear next on their feeds—and allow them all along their journey through social media channels so there’s no wasted time spent switching back between sites trying different things out until something sticks!

#7 AI Can Use Demographic Data To Understand Audiences

You can use demographic data to understand audiences. Demographic data refers to the characteristics of an individual or group, such as age, gender, and location. This information helps you understand your audience better because it will help you identify their needs and interests.

For example, if you’re writing content for a travel website and want to target millennial travelers aged 18-34 who live in the United States but have been visiting Europe more recently than other travelers (a younger generation with different tastes), then using this type of insight would be valuable for developing content that appeals specifically towards them.

#8 AI Can Identify Buyer Personas To Understand The Audience Better

AI can help you identify your buyer personas, which are fictional characters that represent your audience. Personas are used to help you understand what your audience wants, needs and values. They also help you understand how they think and make decisions.

Personas can be created from various sources: user research data like surveys or focus groups; qualitative analysis of interviews with customers or users; etcetera!

#9 AI Tools Make It Easier To Manage Your Team, Collaborate, And Implement Changes Or Iterations To Campaigns Or Ideas

AI tools can help you manage your team better. They’re great for streamlining the process of managing a group of people who are all working toward the same goal, whether it be to create an ad campaign or develop a new product. AI tools will help you find the right person for each task and make sure they get their work done on time—and in fact, some even use AI algorithms to do this automatically! This means that there isn’t any more guessing about how long something is going to take; instead, there’s just knowing how much time is left until completion and whether or not there are any issues that need addressing immediately (like when someone doesn’t show up).

AI tools can help you collaborate with others more effectively by providing an easy way for everyone involved in creating content together (whether it’s marketing teams) so everyone knows what needs doing next without having any confusion about who does what job well enough yet.”

#10 To Get Ahead, You Need To Start Thinking About How You’re Going To Incorporate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Marketing Mix

AI can help with personalization:

1. Tailoring content to each individual consumer based on their interests and demographics. For example, if you know that a particular consumer is interested in personal finance, you could create an article about how to pay off debt or save money for a dream vacation.

2. For example, if you know that a particular consumer is interested in personal finance and has recently purchased some new hiking boots from your company’s website, then you could create an article about how to choose the right pair of shoes for your next hike.

AI can help with targeting specific words or phrases within an article:

AI can analyze text and identify specific words or phrases (e.g., “best travel bags”). This information allows marketers to refine their copywriting strategies by focusing on the most relevant keywords within each piece of content they produce (e.g., “the best travel bags vs other brands”).


We’re glad you made it through this long list of ways that AI can help content marketers. We hope it’s given you some ideas about how AI could be a part of your marketing strategy, and we want to remind you that there are many other tools out there that might meet your needs even better than any of these solutions. We also want to reiterate: don’t rush into using an automated system without researching the pros and cons first. Remember, machine learning is still just an exciting new technology—and while it may have all of these amazing capabilities today, we don’t know exactly what changes the future holds for artificial intelligence

Written By
Sahil Goyal

Sahil Goyal is a Digital Marketer, Trainer, Public Speaker, Growth hacker, and Consultant. I have experience in building and implementing strategies focused on Performance Marketing, User acquisition & retention, Budget planning & execution, App store optimization, and Media buying largely for small to medium-sized businesses. I have previously worked in well-known B2B and B2C startups.