How Google Ads Can Benefit Travel Companies

The travel industry is in the midst of a profound transformation. With more travelers turning to Google to plan their next trip and expand their customer base, you have an opportunity to build a sustainable business by taking advantage of the latest marketing trends. In this article, we’ll explore how Google ads can help you generate more web traffic, reach the right people faster, increase customer engagement and even improve conversion rates.

More Travelers Are Turning To Google To Plan Their Next Trips.

As more travelers turn to Google to plan their next trip, the search engine giant is seeing its ad revenues grow. In fact, Google searches for travel-related terms have increased by over 600% since 2013 and over 100% since 2015. And they’re still going up! In 2017 alone, travelers searched for “travel” on Google 2 million times a day; in 2018 it was 3 million times a day (and growing).

Google’s ability to predict consumer behavior has been one of the biggest reasons why they’ve been able to dominate other online platforms like Facebook and Twitter while also providing advertisers with insights into what consumers are looking for online.

Ads Can Help You Generate More Website Traffic.

Google Ads can help you generate more website traffic. If a customer lands on your site from an AdWords ad, the chances are that they’re going to be interested in what you have to offer, so it’s worth investing in these ads if they generate conversions and leads.

If you have a travel-related website or blog that targets potential customers who are looking for information about tours and activities around their destination city/country then using Google Ads will allow you to reach out directly without having any competition from other websites offering similar services.

Ads Can Help You Reach The Right People Faster.

When you’re looking to reach the right people, it’s important to know who is searching for your product or service. By targeting people who have searched for travel-related keywords, you can make sure that your ad is appearing in front of them—and not someone else with similar interests. You can also target those who have visited your website, as well as those who have interacted with your brand on social media or visited other websites where they’ve seen ads from you (such as TripAdvisor).

If there’s one thing Google AdWords has taught us about how ads are placed throughout the internet landscape, it’s this: if someone sees an ad from a business and clicks through on it, they’re probably interested in what that business has to offer. So by making sure all these different types of targeting options are included in every campaign we create for our client’s businesses as well as ourselves personally so that we can better serve them down the road when needed most!

Ads Can Help You Increase Your Customer Engagement.

Ads can help you increase your customer engagement.

• Increase customer loyalty. With a travel company, it’s important to keep your customers happy and engaged with the products or services that are provided by your business. This means giving them what they want in terms of information, discounts, and special offers. Ads allow businesses to reach out directly to their target audience without having to pay for an expensive ad campaign on TV or radio channels. You can also use ads as an opportunity for direct interaction with potential customers through email marketing campaigns designed specifically for this purpose (see below).

• Increase customer retention: The best way to retain current clients is by providing them with value beyond simply buying something from you—such as providing advice on where else they might be able to find cheaper prices elsewhere online; sharing tips based on past experiences using similar products/services; offering advice about how certain things work together (like how one product will complement another); etcetera…

Ads Can Help You Reach More Customers In Any Location.

Google Ads can help you reach your customers in any location. The best part is that you don’t need to worry about the cost of shipping or logistics since Google handles all of those things for you!
You can target customers by location and area, as well as by interest groups and demographics. When someone searches for products like yours on Google Search ads, they’re shown an ad based on what they’re looking for—and if it’s relevant (in other words: if it matches their search), then this person might be interested in purchasing from your company!

Google Ads Can Expand Your Customer Base And Increase Customer Engagement For Your Travel Company.

Google ads can expand your customer base and increase customer engagement for your travel company.

Google ads help you reach more customers in any location, providing a global audience that is highly targeted. A large number of people use Google search to find information about travel, so they’re an excellent way to advertise your business while expanding its reach beyond the borders of its home country. In fact, according to SurveyMonkey Research (2018), 61% of respondents said they would consider buying something from a brand if it was advertised on social media or other websites.

Keep in mind that when someone searches for “tourism” or “travel,” their ultimate goal may not be booking tickets for a specific destination; instead, they could simply be looking for information about anything related to travel—whether it’s flights between cities within one country or flights between different countries altogether! This means that if you advertise on Google AdWords and get some visitors who weren’t planning on traveling at all but happened upon your site through organic search results after searching those types of terms in general…then those new visitors could become lifelong customers instead!


AdWords is a powerful tool for travel companies. It’s easy to use and can help you reach a wide range of customers. Make sure that you tailor your ads to each individual market because it’s important that you know exactly what type of person will be searching for your brand. This will ensure that your ads are targeting the right audience so they can find success in their next vacation!

Written By
Sahil Goyal

Sahil Goyal is a Digital Marketer, Trainer, Public Speaker, Growth hacker, and Consultant. I have experience in building and implementing strategies focused on Performance Marketing, User acquisition & retention, Budget planning & execution, App store optimization, and Media buying largely for small to medium-sized businesses. I have previously worked in well-known B2B and B2C startups.