10 Steps To Start A Successful Digital Marketing Career

If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering how to start a successful digital marketing career. You want to know what skills are needed and how to build them, but also how to market yourself and make sure people know who you are and what skills you have. Here are my 10 steps for getting started:

#1 Make An Effort To Take Care Of Yourself.

Take a vacation.

Find time to exercise, meditate, or cook healthy meals.

Do something that makes you feel good every day—even if it’s just going for a walk on the weekend or getting massages once a month! You’ll be glad you did it when those extra hours in front of your computer start piling up!

#2 Always Be Learning.

Learning is a lifelong process, and you will never be too old to learn. The more you learn today, the better prepared you’ll be tomorrow.

You can always improve your skills by reading books, blogs, or articles on the topic at hand. And don’t forget to take classes in person or online! It’s also important to keep up with new trends as they emerge—learn them early so that when other companies start adopting them into their marketing strategies, you’re already ahead of them.

Finally, don’t forget about the mistakes made by others: looking at these failures can help guide how far away from the success we want our own work going in terms of content creation or design elements used in design projects, etc…

#3 Find Your Niche And Stick To It.

This means knowing your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what makes you stand out from other candidates for the job. Once you have this information, it’s time to choose a niche that is growing in popularity and creating jobs in the industry where you want to work!

The second step is creating a niche that allows for specialization within the field of digital marketing. For example: if someone wants to specialize in social media management, then they should focus their efforts on Facebook marketing or Twitter campaigns instead of trying to learn everything there is about all three platforms at once (which would be impossible).

#4 Find Out What Skills You’re Missing.

The first step to becoming a digital marketing expert is to figure out what skills you’re missing.
Look at the skills that are required for success in your field and determine whether or not you have them. If not, find those that are most important and make sure they get priority in the coming months.

Look at your existing skills, and think about how much better they could be if only there was more time spent on them! You can also use these resources as an opportunity to learn new things: try taking online courses or signing up for workshops or boot camps so that when it comes time for university or college classes (once again), you’ll already have some experience under your belt.* Finally – look at other people who are doing similar jobs; take notes from their methods of working; identify areas where they’re excelling beyond expectations versus where maybe there should be improvements made…

#5 Build Your Brand.

Building your brand is the first step to creating a successful digital marketing career. Your brand is not a one-dimensional thing; it’s made up of several aspects that need to be aligned and consistent in order for you to succeed.

Be consistent with your image, message, tone, and approach across all platforms (social media, email marketing campaigns, and website) so that people know what they’re getting when they see or hear from you again.

#6 Create A Portfolio.

Creating a portfolio is one of the most important steps to take as you enter the world of digital marketing. Your portfolio should include examples of your work, including:

1. What you have done in the past that worked well (and why)

2. How you have adapted to meet new challenges or markets over time

3. How you’ve improved upon previous work by adding features or improving on existing ones

#7 Build Your Network On LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is one of the best places to build your network and meet potential clients. If you’re not familiar with LinkedIn, it’s an online social network where people can connect with other professionals, who in turn can help each other out.

You should start by creating a profile on LinkedIn that includes a picture of yourself (or at least something close to your actual appearance), and some basic information about yourself—your name, title(s), company/organization name, and URL/website address—and contact information for whoever will be able to answer any questions from potential clients that come up during their research process. You also want to include links back through your website or blog so they know where else they might find additional information about what work you do or services offered by your business!

Once finished setting up everything else needed within this section of their profile page there should be one more button called “Connections” where users will find various types of connections based on common interests or professional backgrounds; these could include industry peers as well as recruiters looking for new talent within their respective industries!

#8 Research Internships In The Field.

Internships are a great way to get experience and build your network. They can also help you find a job after graduation, or before graduation.

Internship opportunities are everywhere, so don’t worry about how much time you’ll spend researching them! Just make sure that it’s something that interests you and is within your skill set. You’ll want to be able to answer questions like “What do I expect from this internship?” or “Why should someone hire me?”

#9 In Any Interview Prep Session, Define And Practice Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

To begin the process of finding a job, you need to define and practice your USP. Your USP is your unique selling proposition (USP), which is simply a statement that explains what sets you apart from other candidates.

Your USP should be something you can repeat in an interview, so it needs to be short and sweet, but also include specific examples of how your skills have been demonstrated in the past. For example: “My experience with marketing has been invaluable for this company.” Or: “I know how important SEO is because I worked on our website redesign project last year.”

#10 Take The Time To Hear Where Other People Think You Can Improve So That You Can Grow As A Person And As An Employee Or Business Owner

As a digital marketing professional, you should be listening to feedback from everyone. You’ll likely receive it from your boss and peers, but also from your customers and even vendors.
The best way to improve is by listening carefully, asking questions that help you understand what someone else thinks about something (or if there’s anything else they want), then taking action on those suggestions or ideas.


In this guide, you’ve learned how to start a successful digital marketing career. While there is still a lot of work ahead of you and many opportunities for growth, if you follow these steps, we think that your chances of success are pretty good. Good luck!

Written By
Sahil Goyal

Sahil Goyal is a Digital Marketer, Trainer, Public Speaker, Growth hacker, and Consultant. I have experience in building and implementing strategies focused on Performance Marketing, User acquisition & retention, Budget planning & execution, App store optimization, and Media buying largely for small to medium-sized businesses. I have previously worked in well-known B2B and B2C startups.