UI & UX Designing: Expectation Vs Reality

If you are new to the field of Ui and Ux designing, then it is essential that you understand what your expectations will be and how realistic they are. This way you can prepare yourself for future challenges as well as enjoy them more fully.

Ui & Ux Designing: Expectation vs Reality

Ui & Ux Designing is a very popular field. It is a combination of User Interface and User Experience, which means that it involves the art and science behind designing interfaces for people to use in order to get their jobs done. The work that goes into UI & UX design can be quite challenging, but also rewarding if done well.

Ui & UX designers have to understand how different devices work differently, such as smartphones vs tablets vs laptops/desktops, etc… They also have to understand what the different personality types are like: visual thinkers versus auditory thinkers; deep thinkers vs surface thinkers; numerically inclined people versus verbal people… There’s no one right way out there! So if you want success as a UI designer then learning about these differences will help you become better at your craft every day!

Expectation 1: Positions

There are many different positions in the design world. These include:

1. UI Designer

2. UX Designer (User Experience Designer)

3. UI Developer (User Interface Developer)

4. UX Developer

UI designers are responsible for the appearance of a product. UX designers focus on how users interact with a product and what it is like to use it, while UI developers create the actual code that makes up an application or website.

Reality 1: Positions

In this reality, the positions available for UI and UX designers include front-end developer, web designer, UI designer, and UX designer. The difference between them is in their level of responsibility and salary.
Front-end developers are responsible for what happens when you go on your website or app: how it looks and how it works. Web designers create websites; they also develop search engine optimization (SEO) techniques so that people can find them easily online. UI designers design all aspects of an app’s user interface—from graphics to fonts to animation—and provide guidance on how those elements should work together as part of an overall experience rather than just individual parts like buttons or text boxes; they’re basically doing everything but coding! Meanwhile, UX designers focus more on how users interact with products rather than what those products look like; they’re responsible for ensuring that everything works together smoothly while still being easy enough for users who aren’t tech savvy.”

Expectation 2: Salary

You should know that salary is a very important thing to consider when starting your career as a Ux Designer. The average salary for a UI and UX designer is $80,000 per year, but you can earn more if you have more experience.

The salary varies depending on where you work, but the average salary is around $80,000 per year. You can earn more if you have more experience or if you are working in a large company or agency.

Reality 2: Salary

If you are considering a job at a company and the salary is not enough for you, there’s no need to worry. In fact, it’s more likely that the salary will increase over time as your experience grows.
Salary is not a fixed number; it depends on how well you perform in your role and the company’s needs. You can negotiate with the hiring manager or HR department to get what is most beneficial for both parties involved in negotiating. The best way to do this is by using examples of other people who have received similar positions but have received higher salaries than yours (or vice versa). This will show them why they should increase their offer so that they’re getting fair compensation for all their hard work!

Expectation 3: Work Stress Level

The third expectation is that the work stress level will be high. This is the most common expectation among the users and it can be understood from their behavior. If you are working in a bad company, then your work stress level will be high and if you are working in a good company then it will not be high.
Work stress levels depend on companies and startups do not have much control over them as they have less employees than other companies do.

Reality 3: Work Stress Level

It’s time to face the music. The reality is that work stress level is higher than expected:

  • Expectation 1: I will not be stressed about deadlines because my team is on top of it and we have a great process in place.
  • Reality 2: My team doesn’t understand the requirements very well and therefore cannot deliver what I need within the given timeframe, which means that deadlines are missed.
  • Expectation 3: Once work has started, everything will go smoothly as long as there are no interruptions from external factors like client meetings or meetings with other stakeholders (e.g., project managers).
  • Reality 4: Due to a lack of resources at this stage in our project lifecycle (which must happen before any design gets done), there are too many tasks being handled by individual contributors who do not know each other well enough yet; thus problems arise when they try to communicate their needs using internal tools such as email threads or chat rooms instead of talking directly via video calls like Skype (which would reduce noise levels significantly).

There Are A Lot Of Things To Know Before Starting Your Career As A UI And UX Designer.

There are a lot of things to know before starting your career as a Ui and Ux Designer. The first thing that you need to do is prepare yourself for the work. This can be tough, because there will always be stress and deadlines, but if you don’t want to fail in your career then this is something that needs to be done.

Additionally, it’s important for designers who are just starting out on their journey through design school or college programs where they learn about how everything works together (like wireframes). It helps them understand what makes an interface successful so they know what works well together with other elements such as UX Designers’ designs or frontend developers’ code.


I hope this blog has given you some insight into the expectations vs reality of UI and UX design. I know it can be hard to keep up with all the changes that take place in this field every day, but remember that there is always room for improvement

Written By
Sahil Goyal

Sahil Goyal is a Digital Marketer, Trainer, Public Speaker, Growth hacker, and Consultant. I have experience in building and implementing strategies focused on Performance Marketing, User acquisition & retention, Budget planning & execution, App store optimization, and Media buying largely for small to medium-sized businesses. I have previously worked in well-known B2B and B2C startups.